In the unfortunate event you should be faced with a professional liability claim, PracticeProtection excels at claims defense. We aggressively defend our members and, most importantly, will not settle a claim without your consent.
We bring a team-based approach to the defense of claims and our pledge to you, our member, is to present a strategic, vigorous defense for every claim.
Members are encouraged to report any matter that may develop into a claim as part of the overall risk management strategy to assist dentists in avoiding claims and to improve the quality of the practice. Incident reporting will not be held against the policyholder through higher rates or non-renewal.
We will provide you with an attorney if you are subpoenaed to provide testimony in legal matters involving a patient that you treated, even if you are not involved in the underlying lawsuit or court action, as long as you are a current policyholder.
Report a Claim
Regardless of what happened, we’re here to help. Click here to download our Incident Report Form. Once it is complete, please e-mail, fax or mail it to the claims department:
Email it:
Fax it: (800) 240-9860
Mail it: PracticeProtection Insurance Company
Attn: Claims Department
13241 Bartram Park Blvd, Ste 113
Jacksonville, FL 32258
Our Claims Team will respond promptly and will begin working with you immediately to document everything. If you have questions or need to speak to someone immediately, please call us at (888) 217-2779.