Consider how much has changed in the last 20 years as it relates to the storage of medical records. There was a time, a fairly recent time, when if a thief wanted to steal or malign patient records, he would have to physically get near them and remove them from under lock and key. In today’s world, however, patient information is stored, managed, and safeguarded on server blades and hard drives—the new locks are firewalls, and the keys are passwords.
As we enter this modern era of data management, having good safeguards in place will hopefully stop a breach before it starts. But what can you do after you’ve been attacked? Are you covered? And what exactly is covered? We suggest you get answers to these questions beforehand to limit your exposure to cyber crime.
Cyber liability insurance is a complex subject as it relates to businesses as a whole—the needs of one business might be far different from the needs of another. We suggest that you speak to your insurance representative to understand exactly what is covered under your policy as it relates to cyber liability, or whether you are insured against cyber crime at all. Not all medical malpractice insurers cover against cyber crimes.
At PracticeProtection, we understand the need for medical professionals to protect themselves against these nimble new threats in the modern, computerized world. In fact, the medical industry as a whole is one of the hardest hit by electronic criminals due in large part to outdated systems and the value of patient privacy. To that end, PracticeProtection Insurance includes cyber liability coverage in all of our insurance policies. However, you should understand the limitations of this cyber coverage. And, we frequently recommend getting additional cyber liability coverage for you and your entire practice. Give one of our representatives a call to discuss in detail how our cyber liability coverage can help your business stay current and safe in the electronic era, or click here for a free no-hassle online quote.