With current uncertainty in the world, now may be a tough time to be starting out on your dental career. Many of you may not even be having a graduation ceremony because of schools being shut down. On top of that, post-graduation jobs that once looked secure may be delayed or in doubt.
We want to take some of that burden away, so at the very least, you don’t have to worry about your malpractice insurance.
New dentists who sign up with PracticeProtection will receive full dental professional liability coverage for one year at no cost.*
Call us or apply on our website today!
*The cost of coverage for a twelve-month policy from PracticeProtection Insurance Company for qualified applicants is assumed by PracticeProtection Association of America, Inc. A qualified applicant is someone who: graduated from an accredited U.S. or Canadian dental school or completed an accredited U.S. or Canadian dentistry residency program within the 12-month period prior to obtaining coverage, is entering their first year of licensed dental practice in a U.S. state in which PracticeProtection is registered, and subscribes as a shareholder member of PracticeProtection Association of America, Inc. Please note: there is a one-time $10 capital contribution. However, the capital contribution for new dentists will be deferred until the first policy renewal.
PracticeProtection is dentist-owned and directed and was founded by dentists, dental industry experts and professional liability insurance professionals. PracticeProtection was created to provide the ultimate solution for the protection of America’s dental professionals and their practices. PracticeProtection offers its dental malpractice insurance policies directly to dental professionals and our philosophy and disciplined underwriting leads to less risk and fewer claims, creates better financial results, and allows us to provide lower rates and consistent pricing.
The company’s dental professional liability insurance (aka “dental malpractice insurance” or “medical malpractice insurance”) product for dental professionals has the same features and provides the same coverages as those currently being offered in the market.
PracticeProtection’s mission is be to Prevent, Protect and Reward its members by providing unsurpassed protection at an industry-leading value through a team of dedicated experts.
PracticeProtection’s team consists of dental industry and professional liability insurance industry veterans and is backed by reinsurance partners with combined assets exceeding $225 billion and financial strength ratings of “A+” (Superior) and “A” (Excellent) from A.M. Best. PracticeProtection is domiciled in Vermont and has offices in Fort Wayne, Indiana and Saint Johns, Florida. More information is available on the web at https://www.PracticeProtection.com/dentists.